Website Development
When we started developing websites back in 1998, there were 2 browsers (Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer) and 2 platforms (PC & Laptop). This made developing websites that worked on all permutations a breeze.
Snap back to 2012 and we now have internet tellys, all manner of tablets and iPads, iPods, iPhones and Android phones, Windows phones, PC’s netbooks, laptops, Kindles and computers with widescreens, 4:3 screens. We have the ability to view these websites in a number of browsers too, each one having its own little nuances that makes your website act a little differently each time. These are often updated, new versions coming out all the time.
Imagine if your website was a car. It’s been built to fit in a parking space. Suddenly someone comes up with an idea to double the amount of parking available. Unfortunately, this means halving the space of current parking spaces. In council parking spaces, the lines are painted closer together. In private car parks, they put a line across the middle of the space. This is quicker and uses less paint.
Suddenly, your car doesn’t quite fit perfectly between the lines. In this clumsy analogy, we”re the car makers trying to keep your car on the road, in the best condition, but as it gets older it might be time to think about renewing the car.
Back to websites, things have changed a bit since 1998, if have a website that dates back to then, in its original format, get in touch I’d love to see it. If you have a website three or four years old, you might be thinking it’s due a change. There are lots of things we can do these days to help shapeshift your website to make it work nicely on all these new devices and browsers. Give us a call.
If you would like to see what your site looks like on an iPad or an iPhone without investing in this new technology, have a look at these emulators: