Severn Gorge Countryside Trust
Severn Gorge Countryside Trust look after over 700 acres of the most beautiful land. A World Heritage site, and all of it open access so people are encouraged to roam freely amongst the woodland. Not just ecological but geological, archaeological, and many other ologys that I can’t remember.
This new WordPress website builds the website we built for the organisation in 2008, and now has even more content, downloads, 360 views, events and management plans. The change of focus with this site aims the content squarely at public visitors and delivering the information of where to go and what to do in the Gorge.
Responsive, so even when you are out and about on one on the Iron Trails you can see detailed information about your visit. As long as you can get a signal!
…thank you once again for your superb work in getting us this far with our team in producing the new website…Russell Rowley - Severn Gorge Countryside Trust
…we have begun to take enquiries so that’s good – thanks again for all the help – we couldn’t have done it without Runtime…Russell Rowley - Severn Gorge Countryside Trust
Project Lead: Harrison Smith